Thursday, May 30, 2013

五月三十日星期四 May 30 Thursday - A Day

WE LOST AN IPAD  - We lost an ipad with PURPLE RED cover; on its back it says 12S8. Only the students at the advisory and my 3rd period students used them. I don't believe my Chinese students would take them away and most likely it is misplaced so if you see your child or as a student you see your friend suddenly is using an unknown ipad today without cover or with the purple red cover, would you please let me know? thanks tons.  

Since Monday and Tuesday we are going to play soccer against Spanish students so we learned the following words..
= kick
zú = foot
qiú = ball
足球zú qiú= soccer
踢足球tī zú qiú = play soccer
dǎ = hit
lán = basket
籃球lán qiú = basketball
打籃球dǎ lán qiú = play basket
duì = (to) face/toward, right, correct, pair
kàng = resist
對抗duì kàng = (be) aganist, (to) withstand
西班牙xī bān yá = Spain
duì= team
西班牙xī bān yá duì= Spain team
智利zhì lì = Chile
智利zhì lì duì= Chile team
shǒu = guard
mén = door
yuán = person
守門員shǒu mén yuán = goalie, keeper
fā = (to) set off, (to) develop
發球員fā qiú yuán = fowarder
中華隊zhōng huá duì = Chinese team
jiā = add
yóu = oil/gass
加油jiā yóu = GO!!GO!!GO!!
fáng = (to) prevent, (to) guard
shǒu = (to) guard
防守員fáng shǒu yuán = defense
dé = (to) get/receive
fèn = point/score
得分dé fèn= scored
zhōng = center/middle
kòng = control
中控員zhōng kòng yuán = mid-fielder

liù yuè sān rì xīng qī yī wǒ men zhōng huá duì yào tī zú qiú duì kàng xī bān yá duì hé zhì lì duì , xī bān yá
六月  三  日星期一 我   們      中    華  隊要   踢足球對抗西班牙隊和智利隊, 西班牙
duì shì       ǎo shī de xī bān yá wén de xué shēn g , zhì lì duì shì Johnsonlǎo shī de xī bān yá wén de xué shēng 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

五月二十九日星期三 May 29, Wednesday - B Day

We learned the following words --
帽子mào zǐ = hat
襪子wà zǐ = socks
鞋子xié zǐ = shoes
褲子kù zǐ = pants
商店shāng diàn= store
穿chuān = wear/put on (clothes)
dài = wear/put (accesories)

We reviewed the words --
住在 zhù zài =  live in
冬天dōng tiān = winter
很冷hěn lěng= very cold
夏天xià tiān = summer
很炎熱hěn yán rè = very hot
秋天qiū tiān = fall
很暖和hěn nuǎn hé= very warm
春天chūn tiān = spring
很涼爽hěn liáng shuǎng = very cool

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

五月二十八日星期二 May 28, Tuesdday - A Day

For Chinese Level I students we learned the following words -
春天chūn tiān = spring
夏天xià tiān  = summer
秋天qiū tiān = fall
冬天dōng tiān = winter 
住在zhù zài  =  live in
很冷hěn lěng  = very cold
很炎熱hěn yán rè  =very hot
很涼爽hěn liáng shuǎng  = very cool
很暖和hěn nuǎn huo  = very warm

First we introduced the words and then used PQA such as where do you live? and then with the questions --what season do you like? and why? And then we made flashcards to practice these words; putting them into phrases and sentences. At the end we watched video to learn the song. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

五月二十四日星期五 May 24, Friday - B Day

For Chinese Level I students we learned the following words -
春天chūn tiān = spring
夏天xià tiān  = summer
秋天qiū tiān = fall
冬天dōng tiān = winter 
住在zhù zài  =  live in
很冷hěn lěng  = very cold
很炎熱hěn yán rè  =very hot
很涼爽hěn liáng shuǎng  = very cool
很暖和hěn nuǎn huo  = very warm

First we introduced the words and then used PQA such as where do you live? and then with the questions --what season do you like? and why? And then we made flashcards to practice these words; putting them into phrases and sentences. For 5th period students we had time to work on the story on page 73 and its questions but for 6th period we didn't have enough time so we didn't do the story on the textbook.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

五月二十三日星期四 May 23, Thursday - A Day

For Chinese Level I we reviewed all the colors-
白色bái sè = white
黑色hēi sè = black
灰色huī sè = gray
綠色lǜ sè = green
紅色hóng sè = red
藍色lán sè = blue
紫色zǐ sè = purple
粉紅色fěn hóng sè = pink 
咖啡色kā fēi sè = brown
褐色hè sè = brown
棕色 zōng sè = brown
橘色jú sè = orange
橙色chéng sè = orange
黃色huáng sè = yellow
金黃色jīn huáng sè = blond/golden
銀色yín sè = silver
qiǎn = light (color)
shēn = dark/deep (color)
顏色yán sè = colors
We used PQA to ask what is your favorite color. We acted out the story about James 的狗跑了and practiced with TPRS circling questions. We did the time-reading and aswer the questions to the story.

For Chinese Level II & III we learned the following wrods first and then we read the article.
電視diàn shì = TV
電影diàn yǐng = movie
演員yǎn yuán = actor
有名的yǒu míng de= famous
jiàn = meet
約會yuē huì = have a date/be on the date



Wednesday, May 22, 2013

五月二十二日星期三 May 22, Wednesday - B Day

For Chinese Level I students, we learned the following words -

For Chinese Level I students we learned the following words -
書包shū bāo = backpack (for the purpose of school use/ school study)
mǎi  = buy
家樂福jiā lè fú  = Carrifoure
zhǎo  = look for
找不到zhǎo bù dào = can't find
找到zhǎo dào = find

supplementary words...
mài = sell
背包bèi bāo =  backpack
如果rú guǒ = if
學校xué xiào  = school
學生xué shēng = student
太貴了tài guì le  = too expensive

We used PQA to learn these words. For example,
Kali yǒu yī gè qiān bǐ hé
Kali 有一個鉛筆盒
lǎo shī yào mǎi Kalide qiān bǐ hé 
lǎo shī wèn Kalimài bù mài tā de qiān bǐ hé
Kalishuō mài 
lǎo shī yòu wèn Kaliduō shǎo qián mài tā de qiān bǐ hé 
Kalishuō 250kuài qián 
lǎo shī wèn Jace liǎng bǎi wǔ shí kuài qián mǎi bù mǎi Kalide qiān bǐ hé 
老師問Jace 兩百五十塊錢買不買Kali的鉛筆盒
Jaceshuō bù mài 
After we practiced買mǎi and 賣mài, instead of using small whiteboards, we practiced on these words on a sheet of paper. We folded the paper into 16 boxes. The teacher said, 找zhǎoshū, and students write its Chinese characters and draw a picture to its meaning on the front, and write its English meaning and pinyin in the back.
(By Emma Saxey, Chinese Level I, 5th period)

 At the last 15 minutes we acted out the story three times. Instead of using the name "James" we used the actor's/actress' names. Also we used TPRS circling questions.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

五月二十一日星期二 May 21, Tuesday - A Day

For Chinese Level I students we learned the following words -
書包shū bāo = backpack (for the purpose of school use/ school study)
mǎi  = buy
家樂福jiā lè fú  = Carrifoure
zhǎo  = look for
找不到zhǎo bù dào = can't find

supplementary words...
mài = sell
背包bèi bāo =  backpack
找到zhǎo dào = find
如果rú guǒ = if
學校xué xiào  = school
學生xué shēng = student

We only had enough time to learn the words and to act out the story at 1st period; 2nd graders from Lan Laoshi (Mr. Law) brought his students to my class and we played a "henbanz" game which students work as pairs; a student in the pair wears a band with a picture on it without looking what the picture is. S/he has to ask as many questions as s/he can to figure out what the picture is and the other student needs to provide the answers to the questions that his/her partner asks.

For 2nd period students after we introduced the new words; we practiced these words. Instead of using small whiteboards, we practiced on these words on a sheet of paper. We folded the paper into 8 boxes. The teacher said, 找, and students write its pinyin, Chinese characters, and English meaning in a box. We practiced 15 words such as 找zhǎo , 書shū , 找zhǎoshū, 找zhǎodào, 找zhǎodàoshū, 找zhǎo dào , 找zhǎodàoshū ... etc.

Later we acted out the story twice with different students.

Next, the teacher read the sentence word by word in a backward way and students chorally translated into English. And then the teacher said the sentence word by word in a backward way and students chorally translate into Chinese.

For Chinese Level II and III 
We learned the following new words --
孤單gū dān  = alone (with lonely)
寂寞jì mò  = lonely 
羨幕xiàn mù  = (be) jealous
忌妒jì dù  = envy
結婚jié hūn  = get married
離婚lí hūn  = divorce
單身dān shēn  = single

Supplementary words
同居tóng jū = live together
分居fèn jū= live separately
情侶qíng lǚ = a couple (unmarried)
夫妻fū qī = a couple (married)
一旦yī dàn = once
開始kāi shǐ = start, begin
自由zì yóu = freedom/liberty
享受xiǎng shòu= enjoy

We talked about the singles would like to get married while married people would like to have freedom. :)
hěn duō dān shēn de rén xiàn mù jié hūn de rén
很多單身的人羨慕結婚的人 = lots of singles envy the married.  
kě shì yī dàn tā men jié hūn le 
可是一旦他們結婚了 = but once they get married,
tā men kāi shǐ xiàn mù dān shēn de rén 
他們開始羨幕單身的人= they start to envy the singles.
                                  wèi shén me dān shēn de rén xiàn mù jié hūn de rén 
We also talked about 為甚麼單身的人羨慕結婚的人= why do singles envy the married?

Some students said ...
yīn wéi tā men hěn jì mò 
因為他們很寂寞, = because they are lonely,
yīn wéi tā men bù xǐ huān jì mò 
因為他們不喜歡寂寞, = because they don't like loneliness,
yīn wéi tā men bù xǐ huān gū dān 
因為他們不喜歡孤單 = because they don't like to be alone.

We also talked about
wèi shén me   yī dàn tā men jié  hūn le      tā men kāi shǐ xiàn mù dān shēn de rén
= why once they get married, they start to envy the singles.

Some students said ...
yīn wéi tā men xiǎng yào zì yóu 
因為他們想要自由 = because they want freedom.
yīn wéi tā men xiǎng yào xiǎng shòu zì yóu
因為他們想要  享受 自由= because they want to enjoy freedom.

After the discussion, we practiced these words. Instead of using small whiteboards, we practiced on these words on a sheet of paper. We folded the paper into 16 boxes. The teacher said, 孤單, and students write its Chinese characters and draw a picture to its meaing on the front, and write its English meaning and pinyin in the back.

(By Briant Johnson, a Chinese Level II student)

Next, after we practices these words we played a game - who is faster. Students work as pairs and only use one sheet of the 16 box flashcard. Have the Chinese characters face up. Students are asked to listen to the teacher and point at the words they hear. The faster one will receive the extra point.

Monday, May 20, 2013

五月二十日星期一 - May 20, Monday - B Day

Today we corrected the quiz paper that was given last Thursday. We also learned some words.
學 = learn
學 = learn
習 = practice
學習= learn
校= campus
學校 = school
生 = pupil
學生 = student
同= together/the same
同學= classmates/class
We used the small whiteboards to practice these words in phrases such as 學, 學中文, 學習中文, 學校,  在學校, 在學校學習中文 etc.

Friday, May 17, 2013

五月十七日星期五 May 17, Friday- A Day

Today we had a fun Friday. For Chinese Level I students we work the story on pages 60 & 61 - students worked as pairs. Student A read the 1st sentence and ask a question to Student B based on the sentence he just read. For example, Student A read -一隻猴子很瘦 to Student B and asked: 誰很瘦?/一隻猴子很瘦還是很胖?....After Student B answered the question, Student B read the 2nd sentence and ask a question to Student A based on the sentence she just read. Continue the steps: read and ask; answer, read, and ask until to the last sentence of the story. Rest of time we watched a move starred by Jet Li which is based on the Chinese traditional legend - 白蛇傳 the Legend of Lady White Snake. For Chinese Level II & III students, instead, worked the story on page 140 as pairs; translate the story, ask the questions about the story. And then watch the video.

白蛇傳 the Legend of Lady White Snake, a love story that encourages the women to be brave and to fight for their love. In ancient China women had no right; they were asked to be obedient to their parents when they were single; to obey their husband when they were married; if their husband passed away, they were asked to obey their husband's father or older brother (if their sons were young. If their son were adults, then they had to obey their sons. ) Women in ancient China were like goods and trades; they didn't have voice at all. The Legend of Mulan and the Legend of Lady White Snake were the stories to explain the position that women had in ancient China and encouraged to fight for themselves.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

五月十六日星期四 May 16, Thursday - B Day

I have a re-write curriculum map workshop at the district to go so I had Mrs. SalaZar as my sub.
Here is the sub plan...

For 5thand 6th periods, they are going to do a test package with open book.
1)    Please pass the test package and two lined-papers to each student and tell the students it’s an open book test that they are allowed to use their notes BUT THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK OR DISCUSS THE QUESTIONS/ANSWERS.
2)    Students are asked to
a)     translate the story into English sentence by sentence
b)    answer the questions on Exercise 1,2,3, and on Exercise 5 instead of “orally” tell the story students have to “write” the story.
c)     Please ask them to tuck the lined-paper in the test package and make sure their name are on the front of the package.
For 8thperiod, they are going to read the article about Japan on their own and answer the questions on the pre-knowledge test paper.
1)    Please pass the pre-knowledge test paper with 60 questions, the article package, and a lined-paper to students
2)    Please tell students they are going to read the article first 3 pages and answer the pre-knowledge test with 60 questions. From the page 4-9 of the package, they are going to write at least 20 facts. (the more facts than 20, the more extra will be given.)
3)    Please also tell the students, those students who talk will be taken out 5 points each time and 15 points at most. Over 15 pts, they will be sent to ISS with a referral and/or have a PTA with me.
4)    I’m hoping this assignment will keep them busy learning.
Advisory- students may use the laptops for their assignments but they are not allowed to use the laptops other than that. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

五月十五日星期三 May 15, Wednesday - A Day

For Chinese Level I students we learned the following words -
對...說duì ...shuō = say to ... 
biān = side 
在馬路邊上zài mǎ lù biān shàng = on the side of the road
有一點yǒu yī diǎn = has a little bit
沒關係méi guān xì = that's okay. It doesn't matter.

After introducing these words with PQA; we discussed and corrected the story on the test paper and the questions. I have to say it seems a tough day today for both students and I; some students didn't pay attention. For example, I read the story sentence by sentence word by word, students translate what I say into English. I randomly asked students what we just read; some of these students either couldn't find where we were or what we were. It was frustrating. I asked one student why I slowed down my pace to make sure everyone understands each sentence? Because I want to bore you? A student who didn't pay attention answered, because I was mad at them for their lack of attention. I replied, "NO, IT'S BECAUSE I WOULD LIKE YOU TO LEARN AS YOU'RE IMPORTANT AND A PART OF US. " Of course, I feel frustrated sometimes when students are able to learn but lack of attention and effort.

For Chinese Level II & III students we still worked on the words about sickness. First, we used the flashcards to practice these words. Students spread the flashcards on the table; the side with Chinese characters face up. I said a word in Chinese and students raise up the flashcard I said. The fastest one received 1 extra points.

After 15-20 minutes on recognizing Chinese characters, students worked as pairs to generate questions and answers in each flashcard. For example, Student A says a statement- Cody生病了and then asks - Cody怎麼了? Student B answers - Cody生病了. And then Student B generate a statement - Cody去看醫生, and asks - Cody做什麼? Student A says- Cody去看醫生, etc. Next students continue to ask one another questions but this time they were asked to ask a question with each flashcard.

At the end students were given out a work sheet and worked as pairs to comprehend the story.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

五月十四日星期二 May 14, Tuesday- B Day

For Chinese Level I students we learned the following words -
對...說duì ...shuō = say to ... 
biān = side 
在馬路邊上zài mǎ lù biān shàng = on the side of the road
有一點yǒu yī diǎn = has a little bit
沒關係méi guān xì = that's okay. It doesn't matter. 
After introducing these words with PQA we went to Syracuse Elementary 1st and 2nd graders' classrooms and played games with them. 5th period students went to 2nd graders, Lan laoshi's class, and we played bingo game.

6th period students went to 1st graders, Liu laoshi's class, and we played "asking game". 

五月十三日星期一 May 13, Monday - A Day

For Chinese Level I students we learned the following words -
對...說duì ...shuō = say to ... 
biān = side 
在馬路邊上zài mǎ lù biān shàng = on the side of the road
有一點yǒu yī diǎn = has a little bit
沒關係méi guān xì = that's okay. It doesn't matter.
After that students work on the package; (please click the package to access the story and the questions).

For Chinese Level II and III students we reviewed the words about sickness and we played games with these words.
1) we played bingo game with these flashcards.
2) students worked as groups of 6 and they spent 15 minutes to study these flashcards first, and then the teacher showed a flashcard, students who know the word in Chinese and in English raise their hand and answer the questions. Whoever answer correctly will receive an extra point for him/herself and earn a point for their group. The group with highest point will have a pizza party.
3) we continued the flashcard game, instead of answering the word in Chinese and in English, they have to make a sentence with the word.
4) students were asked to make sentences with each word on the flashcard in a written form.

Friday, May 10, 2013

五月十日星期五 - May 10, Friday - B Day

For Chinese Level I absent students - 1) copy down the new words onto your notebook and show the teacher your notes.

For Chinese Level I students we introduced new words 窮, 富有, 馬路, 給你買, 買給你. After reviewing these the old words and the previous story we taught, we learned the new words with PQA. We acted out the following story with TPR circling questions. Next we used small whiteboards to practice the words. Later the teacher read aloud the story word by word and students translated into English and then students did the time-reading.
qióng = poor
富有fù yǒu  =  rich
馬路mǎ lù  =  road
給你買gěi nǐ mǎi  = buy you....
買給你mǎi gěi nǐ  = buy ... for you

Thursday, May 9, 2013

五月九日星期四 May 9, Thursday - A Day

For Chinese Level II & III absent students - 1) copy down the new words onto your notebook and show the teacher your notes.

Today first we learned the new words -從...拿出來 (take ... out of/from....), 病人(patient); we practiced these with PQA. Later students asked questions in Chinese to a visitor named Mindy Kang who is a graduate student from University of Utah. Next we pulled out the textbook and used TPRStorytelling circling questions to know what the story about. We read aloud together and then students did the time-reading.

For Chinese Level I absent students - 1) copy down the new words onto your notebook and show the teacher your notes.

For Chinese Level I students we introduced new words 窮, 富有, 馬路, 給你買, 買給你. After reviewing these the old words and the previous story we taught, we learned the new words with PQA. We acted out the following story with TPR circling questions. Next we used small whiteboards to practice the words. Later the teacher read aloud the story word by word and students translated into English and then students did the time-reading.
qióng = poor
富有fù yǒu  =  rich
馬路mǎ lù  =  road
給你買gěi nǐ mǎi  = buy you....
買給你mǎi gěi nǐ  = buy ... for you

五月八日星期三 May 8, Wednesday - B Day

For Chinese Level I absent students - 1) first watch the videos below that shows what story we were telling/acting out in class; 2) Time reading the story up to 2 minutes, 3) copy down the story below and translate it into English sentence by sentence. 
For Chinese Level I, first we review the words taught before, and then we acted out the story with TPRStorytelling circling questions. Next the teacher read aloud the story word by word and sentence by sentence and the students chorally translate it into English. Later, we did the time-reading. Students read the story up to 2 minutes, and then up to 1 minutes, and then up to 30 seconds. The goal is at least 80% of students are able to finish reading the story once in 30 seconds. At the end we played Bingo games with the vocabulary we learned.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

五月七日星期二 May 7, Tuesday - A Day

For Chinese Level I absent students - 1) first watch the videos below that shows what story we were telling/acting out in class; 2) Time reading the story up to 2 minutes, 3) copy down the story below and translate it into English sentence by sentence. 

For Chinese Level II & III absent students - 1) first do the word search and find 20 words from them; write down the words you find and their English meaning on the back of the paper. 2) Time reading the story up to 5 minutes, 3) copy down the new words and show the teacher your notes. 

For Chinese Level I, first we review the words taught before, and then we acted out the story with TPRStorytelling circling questions. Next the teacher read aloud the story word by word and sentence by sentence and the students chorally translate it into English. Later, we did the time-reading. Students read the story up to 2 minutes, and then up to 1 minutes, and then up to 30 seconds. The goal is at least 80% of students are able to finish reading the story once in 30 seconds.

For Chinese Level II & III, first we review the words taught before, and then we did the word search. Students were asked to find 20 words from the word search and write down the words they find and their English meaning on the the back of the word search paper. After that we did chorally read aloud for each sentence word by word backward. Next we did whole class read aloud to yourselves up to 5 minutes; read aloud as pairs up to 4 minutes. The goal is at least 80% of students are able to finish reading the story once in a minute.

Monday, May 6, 2013

五月六日星期一 May 6, Monday - B Day

I had a sick day today so a sub came to help me with the classes. Since I couldn't find a Chinese-speaking sub so here is the sub plan.
#1, Please distribute the textbooks name I Love Learning Chinese Volume one to the students which are placed on the  
bottom layer on the  bookshelf by the door, and have the students copy down the story on page 49 in CHINESE characters and PINYIN(pronunciation), and translate into English. 

#2,please ask them to copy down the questions on the same page in CHINESE characters, PINYIN (pronunciation), and ANSWER the questions in PINYIN.

#3, please ask them to read aloud to themselves up to 5 minutes when they are one all the paper work.

#4,If there is any time left, please ask them to use their notes and create a 100 word story. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

五月三日星期五 - May 3rd, Friday - A Day

I just learned the technology named padlet and I think it's quite cool to put everything together together in a small screen on the blog. Seems it saves lots of space for the blog. I just hope my students will have the opportunity to take a look.

> Chinese Level I -we first reviewed the words. We acted out the story, using TPRStorytelling circling questions to review all the words. We watched the video assigned for homework.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

HOMEWORK - May 2-3 DUE May 6 (A Day) -7 (B Day)

Homework for Chinese Level I -
#1, Watch the video below at least 5 times and write a paragraph in English about the story on a piece of paper
#2, Write 3 new words heard in the video each time you watch and 15 different new words in total for this assignment.
#3, Have the parent sign on the paper and then turn it in by Monday, May 6.


Homework for Chinese Level II & III -
#1, Watch the video below at least 5 times and write a paragraph in CHINESE PINYIN about the story on a piece of paper.
#2, Write 3 new words heard in the video each time you watch and 15 different new words in total for this assignment.
#3, Have the parent sign on the paper and then turn it in by Monday, May 6.

蠟筆小新 - 爸爸生病了

五月二日星期四 May 2nd, Thursday - B Day

For the students who are absent - We learned the following words.
下大雨xià dà yǔ = it rains hard
現在xiàn zài  = now
一張床yī zhāng chuáng = one bed
睡覺shuì jiào = sleep
在樹上zài shù shàng= in tree/on the tree
身上都是水shēn shàng dōu shì shuǐ = water all over the body

We first used ASL/TPR strategy to introduce the words and then we played ribbon game in paper.

First, students folded a piece of paper into half, and one side for Chinese, and the other side for English. And write down number 1-6 in vertical on the left edge of the paper.
Second, students worked as a group of 6 and assigned a number 1-5 in the group. And write down the assigned number in Chinese on the right top corner.
Third, students created a sentence with a new word, and after they're done then pass their paper to the next number student. The next number student has to translate the sentence that created by the student before and then create another sentence with another new word and then after they are done pass it to the next number student. Continue the steps until all the words are created.
Forth, after all the new words are done and the paper should be returned to the owner. The owner student has to check if the translation is correct or not.

For 6th period students we acted out the story first and then we read the story later.

Next, we read the story on page 49 on the textbook; the teacher read aloud word by word and the students chorally responded in English and then the teacher read aloud sentence by sentence and the students chorally responded in English. And then we used TPRStorytelling questioning to ask students the story for comprehension, listening, and speaking skills.

At the end of class, we watched the video named 蠟筆小新- 下雨接人  and explained to students how to do their homework assignment.

蠟筆小新- 下雨接人

五月一日星期三 - May 1st, Wednesday - A Day

For the students who are absent - We learned the following words.
下大雨xià dà yǔ = it rains hard
現在xiàn zài = now
一張床yī zhāng chuáng = one bed
睡覺shuì jiào = sleep
在樹上zài shù shàng= in tree/on the tree
身上都是水shēn shàng dōu shì shuǐ = water all over the body

We first used ASL/TPR strategy to introduce the words and then we played ribbon game in paper. (Our classroom procedures at the beginning of the class is COPY DOWN THE WORDS ON THE BOARD, CALENDAR INTRODUCTION, REVIEW THE OLD WORDS). Since B-Day students worked on the stories pages 43 & 46 and our lesson story is for the page 49, after using ASL/TPR introducing the new words and small whiteboards to practice the words and phrases, we worked on the stories on pages 46 & 49. We read both stories on page 46 & 49 on the textbook; the teacher read aloud word by word and the students chorally responded in English and then the teacher read aloud sentence by sentence and the students chorally responded in English. And then we used TPRStorytelling questioning to ask students the story for comprehension, listening, and speaking skills. We created sentences on a piece of paper.

 For Chinese Level II & III students we worked on the vocabulary on sickness. We first used the powerpoint to introduce the new words. We made sentences with these words according to the following picture. After practicing these words with sentences, we read a story with these words in. The teacher read aloud sentence by sentence and the students chorally respond in English. And then we use TPRStorytelling circling questions to practice the listening and speaking skills and check the comprehension as well.