Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 29, Thursday 三月二十九日星期四 - B Day

Even though we have had two days class like chaos; students like to call "Mrs. Duke" just like a three-year-old kid like to call their mom and couldn't wait for recognition, we still learned some.
First, we leared the new words with TPRStory. The teacher drew some pictures on the board and told the story using TPRStory cycling questions to check the comprehension.

一yī 點diǎn 也yě 不bù (+ V./Adjective) = ….not at all
一yī 點diǎn 也yě 沒méi 有yǒu (+ noun) = ….not at all
什shén 麼me 辦bàn 法fǎ = what solution/method/strategy?
沒méi 有yǒu 辦bàn 法fǎ = no solution/no way/no method
變biàn 得dé (+Adjective) = become + adj.
變biàn 成chéng (+ noun) = become + noun

Next, we used the whiteboard to practice and review the words we learned. After that we grouped into groups of 3 and each group was given a short Chinese passage about the story we just told. Students needed to work together to translate the story and wrote it down on a piece of lined paper.
Here's the short passage about the story that students needed to translate.

Paragraph #1
一yī 個gè 男nán 孩hái 的de 名míng 字zì 叫jiào Mermaidman。Mermaidman整zhěng 天tiān 坐zuò 在zài 沙shā 發fā 上shàng 。Mermaidman不bù 打dǎ 掃sǎo 房fáng 間jiān ,他tā 的de 房fáng 間jiān 很hěn 亂luàn 。Mermaidman不bú 做zuò 作zuò 業yè ,也yě 不bù 工gōng 作zuò Mermaidman整zhěng 天tiān 坐zuò 在zài 沙shā 發fā 上shàng 看kàn 電diàn 視shì。

Paragraph #2
Mermaidman很hěn 懶lǎn 惰duò 。他tā 不bù 喜xǐ 歡huān 運yùn 動dòng ,也yě 不bù 喜xǐ 歡huān 跑pǎo 步bù 。一yī 天tiān 過guò 一yī 天tiān ,結jiē 果guǒ ,Mermaidman變biàn 得dé 越yuè 來lái 越yuè 胖pàng ,越yuè 來lái 越yuè 肥féi 。因yīn 為wèi Mermaidman一yī 點diǎn 也yě 沒méi 有yǒu 結jiē 實shí 的de 肌jī 肉ròu , 他tā 一yī 點diǎn 也yě 不bù 高gāo 興xìng 。

Paragraph #3
有yǒu 一yī 天tiān , Mermaidman 開kāi 車chē 去qù 他tā 的de 一yī 個gè 朋péng 友yǒu 叫jiào Jeremy Lin的de 房fáng 子zǐ 那nà 裡lǐ 。Jeremy Lin 很hěn 勤qín 勞láo , 他tā 每měi 天tiān 打dǎ 掃sǎo 他tā 的de 房fáng 間jiān ,所suǒ 以yǐ Jeremy Lin的de 房fáng 間jiān 很hěn 乾gan淨jìng 。Jeremy Lin也yě 很hěn 喜xǐ 歡huān 運yùn 動dòng ,他tā 喜xǐ 歡huān 每měi 天tiān 跑pǎo 步bù 。Jeremy Lin 的de 體tǐ 格gé 健jiàn 壯zhuàng 。Mermaidman看kàn 到dào Jeremy Lin 體tǐ 格gé 健jiàn 壯zhuàng ,他tā 也yě 想xiǎng 要yào 體tǐ 格gé 健jiàn 壯zhuàng 。

* 越yuè 來lái 越yuè 胖pàng = getting fatter and fattter
* 結jiē 果guǒ = as a result

Tough Day Today

Today I had to say that I had a tough day for 8th period. Maybe it's because of 8th period lots of kids were not showing their respect. They talked across the classroom with their friends, took 5 minutes to get into groups of 3 amongh 15 students, yell aloud "Mrs. Duke" without waiting for recognition. Every time I tried to give instruction I always had some kids yell aloud "Mrs. Duke" and burst out their questions or thought. If I didn't quickly enough to answer their questions they would talk across the classroom and ask their friends. They may think it was fun but as a teacher I felt it was annoying and disrepectful for me and for other kids who would like to have quiet environment to learn.

We only had 15 students in this class but we had 4 girls like to come in late TOGETHER. Whenever we did the group work, no matter how I assigned them separately, they would always sneak to get together as a group.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 28, Wednesday 三月二十八日星期三 - A Day

For 1st period students, students first copied down the words on the board as the followings.

一yī 點diǎn 也yě 不bù (+ V./Adjective) = ….not at all
一yī 點diǎn 也yě 沒méi 有yǒu (+ noun) = ….not at all
什shén 麼me 辦bàn 法fǎ = what solution/method/strategy?
沒méi 有yǒu 辦bàn 法fǎ = no solution/no way/no method
變biàn 得dé (+Adjective) = become + adj.
變biàn 成chéng (+ noun) = become + noun

Alex Cheney and Nathan Rosenvall came up to the classroom to introduce the calendar. They both did a great job. We reviewed the words learned last two times. After that, we introduced the new words. After the new words, we used whiteboard activity to practice the words. At the end of whiteboard activity students were asked to select one word on the board and created a sentence with it. And then we acted out a story – the lazy boy Mermaidman. After acting out the story, we used TPRStory cycling questions for comprehension. Next we corrected the worksheet we did last time, and 10 minutes before the class ended, we listened to the Chinese song and introduced the article of this song.

2nd period students, we did the similar activities like 1st period but differences were we didn’t do the act-out story nor Chinese song due to we had 10 minutes short while 1st period had 10 minutes long. Liam and Spencer came up to the front of classroom to introduce the calendar. They both did a great job as well. Even though we didn’t do the act-out story nor the song but we did whiteboard activity to practice the words. Instead of creating a sentence on the whiteboard, 2nd period students created their sentences with the word they picked on a sheet of paper and they folded the paper into a small tack and placed it in a hat. Other students took turn to pull out of the paper, read it and translate it into English. We corrected the worksheet we did last time.

3rd period students, Miyah and David came up to the front of the classroom to introduce the calendar. They carried the notes with them but they did an awesome job. After that we did the similar activities like 1st period. We acted out a story – the lazy boy Mermaidman. After acting out the story, we used TPRStory cycling questions for comprehension. Roo was our actor of the story –Mermaidman and Daniel was Mermaidman’s friend.

The words we reviewed ...
結jiē 實shí = strong, tough
肌jī 肉ròu = muscle
體tǐ 格gé 健jiàn 壯zhuàng = body fits
早zǎo = early/morning
晚wǎn = late/ night
懶lǎn 惰duò = lazy
髒zāng = dirty
亂luàn = messy
勤qín 勞láo = diligent/hard working
乾gan 淨jìng = clean
整zhěng 齊qí = clean/tidy/organzied
整zhěng 天tiān = whole day
半bàn 天tiān = half day
準zhǔn 時shí = be on time
遲chí 到dào = late
交jiāo = turn in
打dǎ 掃sǎo = clean (up)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March 27, Tuesday 三月二十七日星期二- B Day

Since there were 7 students of 8th period went to the field trip to University of Utah and they were tired and excited, I was a little bit frustrated with the noise and not paying enough attention to class at the very first beginning of the class. I also told them that they are going to do their calendar introducation which includes -

你nǐ 好hǎo !我wǒ 的de 名míng 字zì 叫jiào ...................
我wǒ 喜xǐ 歡huān ..............
我wǒ 不bù 喜xǐ 歡huān .................
我wǒ 的de 家jiā 庭tíng 有yǒu ..............人rén
我wǒ 有yǒu ........
今jīn 天tiān 是shì ......月yuè ....日rì 星xīng 期qī .........
昨zuó 天tiān 是shì ......月yuè ....日rì 星xīng 期qī .........
明míng 天tiān 是shì ......月yuè ....日rì 星xīng 期qī .........

Today we learned another five words with reviewing the words we learned last week.
結jiē 實shí = strong, tough
肌jī 肉ròu = muscle
體tǐ 格gé 健jiàn 壯zhuàng = body fits
早zǎo = early/morning
晚wǎn = late/ night There are few words that pronunce the same but are different meanings with different characters, such as...
肌jī 肉ròu = muscle and 雞jī 肉ròu = chicken (meat)
交jiāo = turn in and 教jiào = teach and different tone 叫jiào = call/ (be) called

體tǐ - on the left part of the character 骨gu which means bone; this charcter means body
格gé -on the left part of the charcter 木mu which means frame/shape
健jiàn - health
壯zhuàng - strong

We also work on a worksheet that students need to read the sentences and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
Please click Fill in the blank Level I to acess the worksheet for Chinese Level I.
Please click Fill in the blank Level II to acess the worksheet for Chinese Level II.
Please click Fill in the blank Level III to acess the worksheet for Chinese Level III.

馬克老師是贏家Ma Ke laoshi is a winner

This morning we just had a field trip to University of Utah to observe UU college students perform their Chinese Speech Contest. Our Chinese students can understand at least 10% to 70% of the speech. After the observation we went to Asian Buffet for lunch. Mr. Mark Neville who was our student teacher attended this contest as well and he won the first place of 3+ speech. His topic is "The difference between Chinese and American cultures". He used 4 classic literatural idioms to express the differences.
三人行 必有我師
一日為師 終身為父

Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26, Monday 三月二十六日星期一- A Day

Today we learned another five words with reviewing the words we learned last week.
結jiē 實shí = strong, tough
肌jī 肉ròu = muscle
體tǐ 格gé 健jiàn 壯zhuàng = body fits
早zǎo = early/morning
晚wǎn = late/ night

There are few words that pronunce the same but are different meanings with different characters, such as...
肌jī 肉ròu = muscle
雞jī 肉ròu = chicken (meat)

交jiāo = turn in
教jiào = teach
and different tone 叫jiào = call/ (be) called

體tǐ - on the left part of the character 骨gu which means bone; this charcter means body
格gé -on the left part of the charcter 木mu which means frame/shape
健jiàn - health
壯zhuàng - strong

We also work on a worksheet that students need to read the sentences and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

Please click Fill in the blank Level I to acess the worksheet for Chinese Level I.
Please click Fill in the blank Level II to acess the worksheet for Chinese Level II.
Please click Fill in the blank Level III to acess the worksheet for Chinese Level III.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Few things to be aware~

Few things to be aware~

#1, missing assignment --
If you haven't turn in an assignment for March 20 or March 21 which is supposed to be turned in on March 23 due to the website address problem and it is marked missing, please do not get panic. I will not take any point off for your assignment of March 20/21. You may still receive full points if you turn in on March 26th.

#2, permission slip
If you didn't turn in the permission slip by the end of today, please remember to turn in by Monday. We're leaving on Tuesday, DO NOT EXPECT me to accept your permission slip on the day we set off for the field trip.

#3, IB Reflective Essay
If you are IB students, you are supposed to email me your reflective essay by the end of today. If you've done it, strongly suggest you to do so. Email me by If you have to be late, then still turn in instead of nothing. Remember Late is better than never.

Last Day for Ma Ke laoshi at Syracuse Jr.

今天是馬克老師在Syracuse初中的最後一天。Students all felt sad for his leaving. His teaching has brought lots of fun and of knowledge for students. Students adored him. I am grateful for his teaching; he's talented and intelligent in Chinese language and teaching strategies. 謝謝你!馬克老師!!

March 23, Friday三月二十三日星期五 - B Day

We used whiteboards and PQA to introduce and practice the vocabulary.
懶lǎn 惰duò = lazy
髒zāng = dirty
亂luàn = messy
勤qín 勞láo = diligent/hard working
乾gan 淨jìng = clean
整zhěng 齊qí = clean/tidy/organzied
整zhěng 天tiān = whole day
半bàn 天tiān = half day
準zhǔn 時shí = be on time
遲chí 到dào = late
交jiāo = turn in
打dǎ 掃sǎo = clean (up)

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I spent more than half an hour typing the journal and updated what we did today; each period had different details. While I was so proud of myself working so hard typing all the details, the internet had something wrong and erased all I've done. Give me one moment, let me take a deep breath not to cursing the computer 'stupid'.
In a 'REALLY' short, today we learned some new words and used PQA, whiteboard, and flashcards to practice the new words and review the words taught last time.
懶lǎn 惰duò = lazy
髒zāng = dirty
亂luàn = messy
勤qín 勞láo = diligent/hard working
乾gan 淨jìng = clean
整zhěng 齊qí = clean/tidy/organzied
整zhěng 天tiān = whole day
半bàn 天tiān = half day
準zhǔn 時shí = be on time
遲chí 到dào = late
交jiāo = turn in
打dǎ 掃sǎo = clean (up)

March 22, Thursday 三月二十二日星期三

Today the 1st period, we started our class with the regular routin - copy down the words on the boards (see the words belowed), and then the teacher asked students to come up to the board to write down today's date. After that we quickly introduced the vocabulary, and then we used whiteboard to practice these new words. We also use PQA (Personal Question and Answer) to get familiar to these words. After that, we used the flashcards we made to play games. We played 'heart attack" with the group of 4-5, and then we played 'who's the fastest?" raising up the correct flashcard while listening to the teacher said.

懶lǎn 惰duò = lazy <=> 勤qín 勞láo = diligent
髒zāng = dirty <=> 乾gan 淨jìng = clean
亂luàn = messy <=> 整zhěng 齊qí = clean, tidy, organized
整zhěng 天tiān = whole day <=> 半bàn 天tiān = half day
準zhǔn 時shí = on time <=> 遲chí 到dào = late
交jiāo = turn in
打dǎ 掃sǎo = clean

After the game, we listened to the Chinese song - 我的未來不是夢 My future is not a dream.

For 2nd period, instead of using the whiteboard to practice the words, we played 'time-writes'; each table was issued a sheet of whitepaper and given a flashcard with Chinese words on it. The students of each table first wrote down their table number on the paper, and they were asked to write a sentence with the words on the flashcard in one minute. After a minute, they had to pass their paper to another table. They had to read the sentence written on the paper that just was given to them from the last table, and write a sentence to create a story in one minute. After a minute, they had to pass their paper to the next table. Repeat this until all the table students had their turn. After that we read the story sentence by sentence students just created and students raised their hand voluntarily to translate into English.

After the game, we listened to the Chinese song - 我的未來不是夢 My future is not a dream.

For 3rd period, we spent lots of time in PQA as we had a lot of fun. Some kids were assigned some certain words. For example, Josh was assigned the word "房fáng 間jiān = room" while Roo was assigned the word "

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 21, Wednesday 三月二十一日星期三 -B Day

Today first we had students copy down 8 new words on the board quickly. We switched seats for the new term after we've done all the copy. A couple of students complained that they couldn't sit by someone, bla,bla, bla, etc. It was okay to suggest the teacher to switch the spot but it was disrespectful to yell aloud, "I couldn't sit by him," "I would die if I sit by him." and acted like a young kid. After we switched the seat, we learned Chinese (Taiwan) Phonetic -
ㄅㄆㄇㄈ = b, p, m, f
ㄉㄊㄋㄌ = d, t, n, l
ㄍㄎㄏ = g, k, h
ㄐㄑㄒ = j, q, x
ㄓㄔㄕㄖ = zh, ch, sh, r
ㄗㄘㄙ = z, c, s
ㄚㄛㄜㄝ = a, o
ㄞㄟㄠㄡ= ai, ei, au, ou
ㄢㄣㄤㄥ= an, en, ang, ong
一ㄨㄩ= i (yi), w (u), yu
While we were learning the phonetic, a couple of students were acting like retard kids due to the sounds. Yup, they were not only made fun of retard kids but also Chinese. Of couse, these kids didn't receive respect from the teacher. After the phonetic, students used whiteboard to practice them and were asked to made flashcards for the phonetic as well.

1) 整zhěng 天tiān = whole day
2) 沙shā 發fā = sofa
3) 打dǎ 掃sǎo = clean (while you clean, you need to use "both hands" - radical parts of bothwords 打dǎ 掃sǎo )
4) 亂luàn = messy (opposite to 整zhěng 齊qí = tidy, clean, organized)
5) 家jiā 庭tíng 作zuò 業yè = homework
6) 作zuò 業yè = assignments
7) 交jiāo = turn in
8) 準zhǔn 時shí = on time

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Homework Assignments given on March 20

Today students were assigned two sheets of homework. You may click the link to access and download the homework. Homework will be checked at the beginning of the class on the due date. Students will be asked to place their homework assignments at the corner of their table for the teacher to grade. Please make sure you have your name on the homework sheet and so is your parent's signature.

Homework March 20-21 due on March 22
Please click either of the following websites to watch the video.

Homework March 22-23 due on March 26
Homework March 26-27 due on March 28
Homework March 28-29 due on March 30

March 9th

March 13

March 20, Monday 三月二十日星期一 - A Day

Goal 目標 --
1) 百分之八十的學生能利用百分之八十的上課時間說中文。
80% of students are able to speak Chinese in 80% of the class time.
2) 百分之八十的學生至少能認得今天所教的百分之五十的中文單字。
80% of students are able to recognize at least 50% of words taught today.

Activities 活動 --

1) 家庭作業
2) 單字介紹
3) PQA
4) 閃示卡製作
5) 認字比賽
6) 中文歌曲- 我的未來不是夢 (fill-in the blank by listening to the song 我的未來不是夢 and click 我的未來不是夢 to access the fill-in blank package)

Vocabulary單字 --

1) 整zhěng 天tiān = whole day
2) 沙shā 發fā = sofa
3) 打dǎ 掃sǎo = clean (while you clean, you need to use "both hands" - radical parts of both
words 打dǎ 掃sǎo )
4) 亂luàn = messy (opposite to 整zhěng 齊qí = tidy, clean, organized)
5) 家jiā 庭tíng 作zuò 業yè = homework
6) 作zuò 業yè = assignments
7) 交jiāo = turn in
8) 準zhǔn 時shí = on time

Title of the Song歌名: 我的未來不是夢 (click the title of the song to listen to it)
Artist 歌手:張雨生 

你______是______ 不______是______ 像______ 我______
在______太tài 陽yáng 下______低dī 頭tóu, 
流liú 著zhù 汗hàn 水______ 默mò 默mò 辛xīn 苦kǔ地di 工______ 作______。
你______是______不______是______像______ 我______
就jiù 算suàn 受shòu了______冷lěng 漠mò,
也______不______放fàng 棄qì 自zì 己jǐ 想______ 要______的______ 生______活____。
你______是______不______ 是______像______ 我______
整zhěng 天______忙______著zhe追zhuī 求qiú,
一______種zhǒng 你______想______不______ 到______的______溫wēnǔ 柔róu。
你______ 是______ 不______ 是______ 像______ 我______
曾céng 經jīng 茫máng 然rán 失shī 措cuò,  
一______次______一______ 次______徘pái 徊huái 在______
十______ 字______街jiē 頭tóu。
因______ 為______我______ 不______在______乎______
別______人______怎______麼______ 說______,
我______從______ 來______沒______有______忘______記______
我______ 對______自zì 己jǐ 的de 承chéng 諾nuò,
對______ 愛______的______ 執zhí 著zhuó。
我______ 知______道______,
我______ 的______未wèi 來______不______ 是______夢mèng,
我______認rèn 真zhēn地di 過guò 每______一______ 分______ 鐘______。
我______ 的______未______ 來______不______ 是______夢______,
我______ 的______心______跟gēn 著zhù 希xī 望wàng 在______動dòng。
我______的______ 未______ 來______不______是______夢______,
我______認rèn 真zhēn 地di 過guò 每______一______分______鐘______。
我______ 的______未______ 來______不______ 是______夢______,
我______ 的______心______跟gēn 著zhù 希xī 望wàng 在______動dòng。
跟______ 著______ 希______ 望______在______動______。
你______是______不______ 是______像______ 我______
整zhěng 天______忙______著zhe追zhuī 求qiú,
一______種zhǒng 你______想______不______ 到______的______溫wēnǔ 柔róu。
你______ 是______ 不______ 是______ 像______ 我______
曾céng 經jīng 茫máng 然rán 失shī 措cuò,  
一______次______一______ 次______徘pái 徊huái
在______十______ 字______街_____頭_____。
因______ 為______我______ 不______在______乎______
別______人______怎______麼______ 說______,
我______從______ 來______沒______有______忘______記______
我______ 對______自_____己_____的_____承chéng 諾nuò,
對______ 愛______的______ 執zhí 著zhuó。
我______ 知______道______,
我______ 的______未wèi 來______不______ 是______夢_____,
我______認rèn 真zhēn地di 過guò 每______一______ 分______ 鐘______。
我______ 的______未______ 來______不______ 是______夢______,
我______ 的______心______跟gēn 著zhù 希xī 望wàng 在______動_____。
我______的______ 未______ 來______不______是______夢______,
我______認rèn 真zhēn 地di 過guò 每______一______分______鐘______。
我______ 的______未______ 來______不______ 是______夢______,
我______ 的______心______跟gēn 著zhù 希xī 望wàng 在______動_____。
跟______ 著______ 希______ 望______在______動______。


Youtube Video

"Homemade" Video

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7th 三月七日二零一二年 - A

March 7th 三月七日二零一二年 - A

Period 1: We reviewed the story about the black bunny and answered questions from the worksheet. We are drawing the story in cartoon format as we translate the meaning of the story.
Periods 2 and 3:
With the below vocabulary words we derived the meaning from the song: Dui Bu Qi. Afterwards we played a group game to help us reacted quickly in Chinese and retain our numbers, colors and animals.

進(jìn) 步(bù)
沒(méi) 關(guān) 系(xì)
了(liǎo) 解(jiě)
當(dāng) 朋(péng) 友(yǒu)
專(zhuān) 心(xīn)
歡(huān) 迎(yíng) 光(guāng) 臨(lín)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 5th 2012 二零一二年三月五日 星期一 - A

March 5th 2012 二零一二年三月五日 星期一 - A

1st,2nd and 3rd periods:

Vocab: 忘(wàng) 記(jì)
被(bèi) 偷(tōu)
第(dì) 二(èr) 天(tiān)
不(bù) 見(jiàn) 了(le)
每(měi) 天(tiān)
名(míng) 字(zì)
在(zài) 。。。的(de) 時(shí) 候(hòu)

We went over the story of the small black rabbit as a class then as individuals in a whiteboard activity. We learned how to play a game that will help us with learning new vocabulary. This also tests our ability to respond quickly without translating back to english.
Afterwards we listened to "dui bu qi" and wrote down the lyrics.

March 6th 2012

8th Period:

Vocab: 忘(wàng) 記(jì)
被(bèi) 偷(tōu)
第(dì) 二(èr) 天(tiān)
不(bù) 見(jiàn) 了(le)
每(měi) 天(tiān)
名(míng) 字(zì)
在(zài) 。。。的(de) 時(shí) 候(hòu)

We went over the story of the small black rabbit as a class then as individuals in a whiteboard activity.
Afterwards we listened to "dui bu qi" and wrote down the lyrics.

Friday March 2nd 2012 二零一二年三月二日星期五- B

Friday March 2nd 2012 二零一二年三月二日星期五- B

8th Period:

Vocab: 忘(wàng) 記(jì)
被(bèi) 偷(tōu)
第(dì) 二(èr) 天(tiān)
不(bù) 見(jiàn) 了(le)
每(měi) 天(tiān)
名(míng) 字(zì)
在(zài) 。。。的(de) 時(shí) 候(hòu)

We went over the story of the small black rabbit as a class then as individuals in a whiteboard activity.
Afterwards we listened to "dui bu qi" and wrote down the lyrics.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1st 三月一日二零一二年 - A

March 1st 三月一日二零一二年 - A

Periods 1 and 2: Used the vocab to create a story. We also played short game about "stealing" objects in the classroom.

Period 3: We translated that below story and acted out the story in groups. Afterwards we worked as individuals to translate this story by using the following vocab as well as previous vocab.

有(yǒu) 一(yī) 个小(xiǎo) 黑(hēi) 兔(tù) 子(zǐ) 。 他(tā) 的(de) 名(míng) 字(zì) 叫(jiào) “小(xiǎo) 黑(hēi) 兔(tù) ”在(zài) 北(běi) 极(jí) 的(de) 時(shí) 候(hòu) ,
他(tā) 每(měi) 天(tiān) 騎(qí) 自(zì) 行(háng) 車(chē)
有(yǒu) 一(yī) 天(tiān) 馬(mǎ) 克(kè) 老(lǎo) 師(shī) 忘(wàng) 記(jì) 所(suǒ) 鎖(suǒ) 他(tā) 的(de) 自(zì) 行(háng) 車(chē)
第(dì) 二(èr) 天(tiān) 他(tā) 的(de) 自(zì) 行(háng) 車(chē) 不(bù) 見(jiàn) 了(le)
因(yīn) 為(wèi) 他(tā) 的(de) 自(zì) 行(háng) 車(chē) 被(bèi) 偷(tōu) 了(le)
所(suǒ) 以(yǐ) 馬(mǎ) 克(kè) 老(lǎo) 師(shī) 哭(kū) 了(le)


1. 偷(tōu)
2. 哭(kū)
3. 鎖(suǒ)
4. 在(zài) …的(de) 時(shí) 候(hòu)
5. 不(bù) 見(jiàn) 了(le)
6. 真(zhēn) 的(de)
7. 假(jiǎ) 的(de)
8. 騎(qí)
9. 北(běi) 极(jí)

February 29, 2012 二月二十九日星期三 - B

February 29, 2012 二月二十九日星期三 - B

8th period: We worked as individuals to translate this story by using the following vocab as well as previous vocab.

有(yǒu) 一(yī) 个小(xiǎo) 黑(hēi) 兔(tù) 子(zǐ) 。 他(tā) 的(de) 名(míng) 字(zì) 叫(jiào) “小(xiǎo) 黑(hēi) 兔(tù) ”在(zài) 北(běi) 极(jí) 的(de) 時(shí) 候(hòu) ,
他(tā) 每(měi) 天(tiān) 騎(qí) 自(zì) 行(háng) 車(chē)
有(yǒu) 一(yī) 天(tiān) 馬(mǎ) 克(kè) 老(lǎo) 師(shī) 忘(wàng) 記(jì) 所(suǒ) 鎖(suǒ) 他(tā) 的(de) 自(zì) 行(háng) 車(chē)
第(dì) 二(èr) 天(tiān) 他(tā) 的(de) 自(zì) 行(háng) 車(chē) 不(bù) 見(jiàn) 了(le)
因(yīn) 為(wèi) 他(tā) 的(de) 自(zì) 行(háng) 車(chē) 被(bèi) 偷(tōu) 了(le)
所(suǒ) 以(yǐ) 馬(mǎ) 克(kè) 老(lǎo) 師(shī) 哭(kū) 了(le)


1. 偷(tōu)
2. 哭(kū)
3. 鎖(suǒ)
4. 在(zài) …的(de) 時(shí) 候(hòu)
5. 不(bù) 見(jiàn) 了(le)
6. 真(zhēn) 的(de)
7. 假(jiǎ) 的(de)
8. 騎(qí)
9. 北(běi) 极(jí)